Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley Pays a Visit to Clow Valve

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley

Clow Valve General Manager Jim Wakefield and Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley

Clow Valve team members were excited to learn that Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley would stop by for a visit on March 20th, and they would have the opportunity to visit with Senator Grassley during his tour of the Machine Shop. While serving as a delegate of the local community to discuss Iowa road improvements on a trip to Washington, D.C., Clow Valve General Manager Jim Wakefield invited Senator Grassley to stop by on his next trip to Oskaloosa for a tour and he called to tell them he would be dropping by in a couple weeks.

Senator Grassley is no stranger to the manufacturing industry having worked as a sheet metal shearer and assembly line worker during his earlier career. He also grew up on a farm in Butler County where he still lives today.

Sentaor Grassley holds the record for the longest record of not missing a vote of any senator currently in office. He makes a point to respond to every phone call, letter and email he receives from Iowans and communicates with them extensively online via Facebook and Twitter, as well as his own website.

About mcwaneinc

McWane, Inc. is a family business based in Birmingham, Alabama, with iron foundries across the United States and the world. McWane’s divisions focus on the safe, environmentally friendly manufacturing of ductile iron pipe, fittings, hydrants and valves. These and other products provide the backbone of vital water distribution and wastewater treatment systems for communities across the globe. The company employs more than 6,000 workers and has a longstanding commitment of support to those communities where our employees live and work. For more information, please visit

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